Processing and Registration Of Application

When the registration and licensing application form is submitted either through online mode or  Manual. The application will be  verified for any missing files. The documents to be checked are as follows:


[col class="span6"]

[tab id="tab1" class="tabbale" button="nav-tabs"]

[tab_item title="Application Form Sections"]

1. Instructions  

2. Personal Details

  o Applicant details

   o Address  

   o Contact details  

3. Current School Posting information    

4. TSC Approval to teach

5. Teaching and other relevant Qualifications

6. Record of Teaching experience  

7. Permission to Release Information

8. Declaration




[tab_item title="Documents Checklist"]

   o Birth Certificate (certified copy/mandatory)

   o Academic records or qualifications (certified copy/ mandatory)

   o Police Clearance (mandatory)

   o Passport/ID photo X 2 (mandatory)

   o Medical Report (using standard government form) – mandatory for first time registration

   o Good Character and Fit to Teach Check List (mandatory)

   o Citizenship Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy)

   o Copy of valid Passport (if applicable/ certified copy)

   o Marriage Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy)

   o Name change (evidence)

   o Teacher Competency Form



[tab_item title="Documents Certification"]

Any copy of an original document must be certified Copies. Certified will only be accepted from:

a) School Principal – for NI Vanuatu citizen 1. Teacher Competency Form 2. Good Character and Fit to Teach Check List (mandatory)

b) Provincial Education Officer – for Ni Vanuatu citizen 1. Teacher Competency Form 2. Good Character and Fit to Teach Check List (mandatory)

c) Education Authority Director (Church) – for Ni Vanuatu citizen 1. Marriage Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy)

d) Commissioner of Oath 1. Citizenship Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy) 2. Copy of valid Passport (if applicable/ 3. certified copy) Marriage Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy) 4. Name change (evidence) 5. Academic records or qualifications (certified copy/ mandatory) 6. Police Clearance (mandatory) 7. Birth Certificates

e) Solicitor 1. Citizenship Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy) 2. Copy of valid Passport (if applicable/ 3. certified copy) Marriage Certificate (if applicable/ certified copy) 4. Name change (evidence) 5. Academic records or qualifications (certified copy/ mandatory) 6. Police Clearance (mandatory) 7. Birth Certificates

f) Medical Doctor

1. Medical Report (using standard government form) – mandatory for first time registration

g) Institute that issued the qualification

1. Academic records or qualifications (certified copy/ mandatory)

The following written statement must be on the front of every page.

I have sighted the original documents and certified this to be a true Copy of the original.

The authorizing person must sign and date the document, providing their full name, designation (e.g. Medical Doctor), and contact phone number.












[col class="span6"][tab id="tab2" class="tabbale" button="nav-pills"][tab_item title="Tab1"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare consectetur sodales. Nulla luctus cursus mauris at dapibus. Cras ac felis et neque consequat elementum a eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer feugiat sem eu ligula vulputate consequat. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel elit lectus, at fringilla lorem.[/tab_item][tab_item title="Tab2"]consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare consectetur sodales. Nulla luctus cursus mauris at dapibus. Cras ac felis et neque consequat elementum a eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer feugiat sem eu ligula vulputate consequat. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel elit lectus, at fringilla lorem.[/tab_item] [tab_item title="Tab3"]consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare consectetur sodales. Nulla luctus cursus mauris at dapibus. Cras ac felis et neque consequat elementum a eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer feugiat sem eu ligula vulputate consequat. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel elit lectus, at fringilla lorem.[/tab_item] [/col]







Location Port Vila Main office

The Teaching Service Commission office has been re- located to the Joint Court area. Located at the former examination office.

The Support Team can be reached on this landline: 33510 or email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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